Inclusive brand identity design for an internationally renowned Greek art gallery

Medusa Logo AnimationStationery-Pic
Project Description
The Medusa Gallery is a contemporary art gallery in the heart of Athens, Greece. Founded in 1979 during a time when many turned their heads to Avant-Gard art, the Medusa Gallery became a place focused on showcasing the work of young Greek artists. Since then, the gallery has gained prestige and notoriety in Greece as well as on an international stage. I was tasked with their rebrand and wanted to find a solution that would help them stand out internationally without however forgetting their Greek identity.
The most important aspect to take into consideration was the name. Medusa is one of 3 monstrous gorgons from Greek mythology, described as a  winged woman with venomous snakes for hair. The stark and intimidating feel that Medusa represents is one that had to be communicated through the brand identity of the gallery. The association with such a well known mythological being as well as the need for an internationally recognizable brand identity were key components of the gallery's identity.

Ultimately, the brand centred itself around a series of key recognizable visual elements. The use of foreign (especially Greek) typography, outlines, black and white colour palette and dynamic type placement.
