Telling the story of a Japanese animation genius

Project Description
Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese animated filmmaker, widely regarded as a genius of the craft. Over the years, he has produced a handful of stunning films that have won awards all around the globe.I was tasked with the design of a biographical book for Miyazaki that would honour his life and work.
After watching a few of his films it quickly became evident why he was so respected around the world. His high standards and strict attention to detail are very evident in his movies. I knew my project should be held to the same standards. I realized that a recurring theme in almost all of Miyazaki’s movies was the sky. A vast untouchable infinity that has the potential for so much beauty yet so much chaos. It was a brilliant metaphor for Hayao Miyazaki’s own creative yet conflicted mind. I knew that my book cover had to feature the sky in some form or another so I borrowed a still from one of his movies and inspired the rest of my layout off of the romanticism and soothing atmosphere of the cover.

The final result was a book that expressed what Hayao Miyazaki is all about, both content wise and visually. My goal was to create a cover that could communicate a striking metaphor and that could truly showcase a glimpse into his talent as an illustrator and animator.
