Poster design competition with the theme of Collective Transport and Active Mobility

Mobilite CloseupMobilite Mockup
Project Description
Every year, the Société des Designers Graphiques du Québec (SDGQ) and Mark Choko team up with Publicité Sauvage to organize a poster contest open to all graphic design students in Québec. This year the theme was “Transport Collectif & Mobilité Active”.
The challenge was clear and simple; how do you convey the efficiency, speed and reliability of public transportation in a poster? Personally I was inspired by the Futurist movement as I wanted to highlight the innovation of human technology through dynamic motion. For this reason, the speeding blur of a moving train was the centerpiece of my poster. Typographically, I applied a touch of personality to every letter as they collectively spelt out the word “Mobilité”. This was my way of conveying an aspect of collectivity per the contest theme. Additional conceptual and aesthetic choices including motion blur and interconnected lines were added to further communicate connectivity and motion in a dynamic way.

In the end, I successfully promoted the effectiveness of public transportation in a positive light through an approach that really made use of the dynamic movement of trains. I wanted to communicate my interpretation of mobility and public transportation by showing it for what it is, a product of humanity’s impressive innovation and more importantly the most effective way to get from point A to point B.